I want to bless the name of the Lord for his mercies over my family. We got married seven years ago. Not long after, my wife got pregnant and towards delivery she had complications and had to be scheduled for emergency cesarean section (C-Section). Before C-Section, she was asked to run a test (prothrombin time (PT) also known as factor II) to measure the amount of time it would take for her blood to clot. This was to rule out risk of excessive bleeding and even death during or after the operation. Multiple test results at the hospital and a laboratory came back with an abnormally high clotting time. We were referred us to a teaching hospital as the hospital could no longer handle the situation. By the time we got to another hospital, the Lord had turned around the situation. The clotting time had normalized. To the Glory of God, the operation was done successfully same day. We welcomed a baby boy who is 6 this year.
We then had two still births that almost claimed the life of my wife due similar complications. At both times, the complications, occurred very close to the due dates. Full of fear, we were already giving up. But to the Glory of God, this year, He blessed us with a beautiful baby girl. Despite all the challenges during the pregnancy, He took absolute control and made delivery happen just at the right time even during a Pandemic.